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Bergner, M., Caprara, A., Furini, F., Lübbecke, M., Malaguti, E. and Traversi, E.
Partial convexification of general {MIP}s by {D}antzig-{W}olfe reformulation. repORt 2010—001, November 2010.
Beygang, K. and Krumke, S.
Train Marshalling Problem-Algorithms and Bounds. repORt 2010—002, December 2010.
Lübbecke, M. and Puchert, C.
Primal Heuristics for Branch-and-Price Algorithms. repORt 2011—003, November 2011.
Hennig, F., Nygreen, B. and Lübbecke, M.
Nested column generation applied to the crude oil tanker routing and scheduling problem with split pickup and split delivery. repORt 2012—004, March 2012.
Lübbecke, M.
Generic Decomposition and Branch-and-Price: A Status Report. repORt 2012—005, April 2012.
Bohlin, M., Flier, H. and Gestrelius, S.
Optimal Freight Train Classification using Column Generation. repORt 2012—006, June 2012.
Büsing, C. and D'Andreagiovanni, F.
Robust Optimization under Multi-band Uncertainty - {P}art {I}: Theory. repORt 2013—007, January 2013.
Desrosiers, J., Gauthier, J.-B. and Lübbecke, M.
Row-Reduced Column Generation for Degenerate Master Problems. repORt 2013—008, February 2013.
D'Andreagiovanni, F., Raymond, A. and Büsing, C.
Robust optimization under multiband uncertainty. repORt 2013—009, March 2013.
Sørensen, M.
Decomposing an Integer Programming Model of High School Timetabling. repORt 2013—010, April 2013.
Bergner, M., Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Packing Cuts in Undirected Graphs. repORt 2013—011, April 2013. Published.
Steglich, U., Bauschert, T., Büsing, C. and Kutschka, M.
A Generic Multi-layer Network Optimization Model with Demand Uncertainty. repORt 2013—012, May 2013.
Bohlin, M. and Gestrelius, S.
Optimisation of simultaneous train formation and car sorting at marshalling yards. repORt 2013—013, July 2013.
Coughlan, E.T., Lübbecke, M. and Schulz, J.
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Multi-Mode Resource Leveling. repORt 2013—014, September 2013.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
About the minimum mean cycle-canceling algorithm. repORt 2013—015, September 2013.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Tools for primal degenerate linear programs: IPS, DCA, and PE. repORt 2013—016, October 2013.
Bergner, M., Caprara, A., Ceselli, A., Furini, F. and Lübbecke, M.
Automatic {D}antzig-{W}olfe Reformulation of Mixed Integer Programs. repORt 2013—017, November 2013.
Bergner, M.
Heterogeneous aggregation for Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation. repORt 2013—018, November 2013.
Kirchner, S. and Lübbecke, M.
Dynamische Vergabe von Patiententerminen in Krankenhäusern. repORt 2014—019, February 2014.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Decomposition theorems for linear programs. repORt 2014—020, September 2014.
Goderbauer, S.
Political Districting for Elections to the German Bundestag: An Optimization-Based Multi-Stage Heuristic Respecting Administrative Boundaries. repORt 2014—021, September 2014. Published in Operations Research Proceedings 2014, 181-187.
Lübbecke, M. and Möhring, R.
Ship Traffic Optimization for the Kiel Canal. repORt 2014—022, November 2014.
Lübbecke, M.
Comments on: An Overview of Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling. repORt 2015—023, January 2015.
Witt, J.T. and Lübbecke, M.
Separation of Generic Cutting Planes in Branch-and-Price Using a Basis. repORt 2015—024, February 2015. Published.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Vector Space Decomposition for Solving Large-Scale Linear Programs. repORt 2015—025, February 2015.
Lübbecke, M. and Puchert, C.
Primal Heuristics for Mixed Integer Programs with a Staircase Structure. repORt 2015—026, February 2015.
Goderbauer, S.
Optimierte Einteilung der Wahlkreise für die Deutsche Bundestagswahl. repORt 2015—027, March 2015. Appeared in OR News, Nr. 52, Nov. 2017.
Büsing, C., Kirchner, S., Koster, A.M.C.A. and Thome, A.
The Budgeted Minimum Cost Flow Problem with Unit Upgrading Cost. repORt 2015—028, October 2015.
Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulations for the Stable Set Problem. repORt 2015—029, November 2015.
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Bley, A.
A Constant-Factor Local Search Approximation for Two-Stage Uncapacitated Facility Location. repORt 2015—030, November 2015.
Fischer, T., Gally, T., Gleixner, A.M., Hendel, G., Koch, T., Maher, S.J., Miltenberger, M., Müller, B., Pfetsch, M.E., Puchert, C., Rehfeldt, D., Schenker, S., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Vigerske, S., Weninger, D., Winkler, M., Witt, J.T., Witzig, J., Gamrath, G. and Schwarz, R.
The SCIP Optimization Suite 3.2. repORt 2016—031, March 2016.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
A strongly polynomial contraction-expansion algorithm for network flow problems. repORt 2016—032, March 2016.
Bahl, B., Goderbauer, S., Arnold, F., Voll, P., Lübbecke, M., Bardow, A. and Koster, A.M.C.A.
DESSLib - Benchmark Instances for Optimization of Decentralized Energy Supply Systems. repORt 2016—035, June 2016.
Goderbauer, S., Bahl, B., Voll, P., Lübbecke, M., Bardow, A. and Koster, A.M.C.A.
An Adaptive Discretization MINLP Algorithm for Optimal Synthesis of Decentralized Energy Supply Systems. repORt 2016—033, June 2016. Published in Computers & Chemical Engineering 95:38-48, 2016.
Walter, M.
Complete Description of Matching Polytopes with One Linearized Quadratic Term for Bipartite Graphs. repORt 2016—034, August 2016.
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Bley, A.
Local Search Based Approximation Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Location Problems. repORt 2016—036, October 2016.
Lübbecke, M. and Parmentier, A.
Learning when to use a decomposition. repORt 2016—037, November 2016.
Brinker, J., Lübbecke, M. and Takeda, Y.
Optimization of the Reconfiguration Planning of Handling Systems based on Parallel Manipulators with Delta-Like Architecture. repORt 2017—038, February 2017.
Witt, J.T., Lübbecke, M. and Reed, B.
Polyhedral results on the stable set problem in graphs containing even or odd pairs. repORt 2017—039, April 2017. Published.
Goderbauer, S. and Wicke, M.
Constituencies for German Federal Elections: Legal Requirements and Their Observance. repORt 2017—041, July 2017. In first revision.
Bastubbe, M. and Lübbecke, M.
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Capacitated Hypergraph Vertex Separation. repORt 2017—040, November 2017.
Goderbauer, S. and Winandy, J.
Political Districting Problem: Literature Review and Discussion with regard to Federal Elections in Germany. repORt 2017—042, November 2017. In 2nd revision.
Tillmann, A.M.
Computing the Spark: Mixed-Integer Programming for the (Vector) Matroid Girth Problem. repORt 2018—044, February 2018. Optimization Online E-Print ID 2018-03-6525.
Bastubbe, M., Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
A Computational Investigation on the Strength of Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulations. repORt 2018—047, February 2018. Published.
Goderbauer, S., Comis, M. and Willamowski, F.J.L.
The Synthesis Problem of Decentralized Energy Systems is strongly NP-hard. repORt 2018—043, May 2018. Published in Computers & Chemical Engineering.
Punnen, A.P. and Walter, M.
A characterization of linearizable instances of the Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. repORt 2018—045, May 2018. Submitted.
Walter, M. and Weltge, S.
Extended Formulations for Radial Cones. repORt 2018—046, May 2018. Submitted.
Goderbauer, S. and Ermert, L.
Proportional Apportionment for Connected Coalitions. repORt 2018—048, July 2018. Published in Operations Research Proceedings 2018.
Gleixner, A.M., Bastubbe, M., Eifler, L., Gally, T., Gamrath, G., Gottwald, R.L., Hendel, G., Hojny, C., Koch, T., Lübbecke, M., Maher, S.J., Miltenberger, M., Müller, B., Pfetsch, M.E., Puchert, C., Rehfeldt, D., Schlösser, F., Schubert, C., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Viernickel, J.M., Walter, M., Wegscheider, F., Witt, J.T. and Witzig, J.
The SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0. repORt 2018—049, July 2018.
Goderbauer, S., Wicke, G. and Lübbecke, M.
Neueinteilung der Bundestagswahlkreise mithilfe mathematischer Optimierung — Szenarien: 250 und 200 Bundestagswahlkreise. repORt 2018—050, September 2018. Studie für und im Auftrag des Bundeswahlleiters.
Goderbauer, S., Wicke, G. and Lübbecke, M.
Neueinteilung der Bundestagswahlkreise mithilfe mathematischer Optimierung — Szenario: 125 Bundestagswahlkreise. repORt 2018—051, October 2018. Studie für und im Auftrag des Bundeswahlleiters.
Boros, E., Crama, Y. and Rodríguez-Heck, E.
Compact quadratizations for pseudo-Boolean functions. repORt 2019—052, January 2019.
Lübbecke, M., Maher, S.J. and Witt, J.T.
Avoiding redundant columns by adding classical Benders cuts to column generation. repORt 2019—53, February 2019.
Lübbecke, M., Puchert, C., Schiewe, Ph. and Schöbel, A.
Integrating line planning, timetabling, and vehicle scheduling: Integer programming formulation and analysis. repORt 2019—54, February 2019.
Gleixner, A.M., Hendel, G., Gamrath, G., Achterberg, T., Bastubbe, M., Berthold, T., Christophel, P.M., Jarck, K., Koch, T., Linderoth, J.T., Lübbecke, M., Mittelmann, H.D., Ozyurt, D., Ralphs, T.K., Salvagnin, D. and Shinano, Y.
MIPLIB 2017: Data-Driven Compilation of the 6th Mixed-Integer Programming Library. repORt 2019—55, July 2019. Submitted..
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Tillmann, A.M.
Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time. repORt 2019—56, November 2019.
Rodríguez-Heck, E., Stickler, K., Walter, M. and Weltge, S.
Persistency of Linear Programming Formulations for the Stable Set Problem. repORt 2019—57, November 2019.
Gamrath, G., Anderson, D., Bestuzheva, K., Chen, W.-K., Eifler, L., Gasse, M., Gemander, P., Gleixner, A.M., Gottwald, L., Halbig, K., Hendel, G., Hojny, C., Koch, T., Le Bodic, P., Maher, S.J., Matter, F., Miltenberger, M., Mühmer, E., Müller, B., Pfetsch, M.E., Schlösser, F., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Tawfik, C., Vigerske, S., Wegscheider, F., Weninger, D. and Witzig, J.
The SCIP Optimization Suite 7.0. repORt 2020—61, March 2020.
Puchert, C. and Tillmann, A.M.
Exact separation of forbidden-set cuts associated with redundant parity checks of binary linear codes. repORt 2020—58, April 2020.
Steever, Zachary, Murray, Chase, Yuan, Junsong, Karwan, Mark and Lübbecke, M.
An Image-based Approach to Detecting Structural Similarity Among Mixed Integer Programs. repORt 2020—59, April 2020.
Willamowski, F.J.L., Ganz, M. and Mühmer, E.
The Multi-Stop Station Location Problem. repORt 2020—60, April 2020.
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Tauer, B.
Selective Maximum Coverage and Set Packing. repORt 2020—62, June 2020.
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Tillmann, A.M.
Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time. repORt 2021—63, April 2021.
Bestuzheva, K., Besançon, M., Chen, W.-K., Chmiela, A., Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Gaul, O., Gamrath, G., Gleixner, A.M., Gottwald, L., Graczyk, Chr., Halbig, K., Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Koch, T., Lübbecke, M., Maher, S.J., Matter, F., Mühmer, E., Müller, B., Pfetsch, M.E., Rehfeldt, D., Schlein, St., Schlösser, F., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Sofranac, B., Turner, M., Vigerske, S., Wegscheider, F., Wellner, Ph., Weninger, D. and Witzig, J.
The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0. repORt 2022—64, April 2022.
Bestuzheva, K., Besançon, M., Chen, W.-K., Chmiela, A., Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Gaul, O., Gamrath, G., Gleixner, A.M., Gottwald, L., Graczyk, Chr., Halbig, K., Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Koch, T., Lübbecke, M., Maher, S.J., Matter, F., Mühmer, E., Müller, B., Pfetsch, M.E., Rehfeldt, D., Schlein, St., Schlösser, F., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Sofranac, B., Turner, M., Vigerske, S., Wegscheider, F., Wellner, Ph., Weninger, D. and Witzig, J.
Enabling Research through the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0. repORt 2022—65, April 2022.
Mühmer, E., Ganz, M., Lübbecke, M. and Willamowski, F.J.L.
The Multi-Stop Station Location Problem: Exact Approaches. repORt 2023—65, December 2023.
Bolusani, Suresh, Besançon, M., Bestuzheva, K., Chmiela, A., Dionı́sio, João, Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Ghannam, Mohammed, Gleixner, A.M., Graczyk, Chr., Halbig, K., Hedtke, Ivo, Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Kamp, Dominik, Koch, T., Kofler, Kevin, Lentz, Jurgen, Manns, Julian, Mexi, Gioni, Mühmer, E., Pfetsch, M.E., Schlösser, F., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Turner, M., Vigerske, S., Weninger, D. and Xu, Liding
The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0. repORt 2024—66, February 2024.
Desrosiers, J., Lübbecke, M., Desaulniers, G. and Gauthier, J.-B.
Branch-and-Price. repORt 2024—67, July 2024. Cahiers de GERAD, G-2024-36.