
Our scientific results in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.



Delorme, R.
Optimierung von Transformationspfaden für den Wohngebäudesektor. OR News, December 2024.
Bestuzheva, K., Besançon, M., Chen, W.-K., Donkiewicz, T., van Doornmalen, J., Eifler, L., Gaul, O., Gamrath, G., Gleixner, A.M., Gottwald, L., Graczyk, Chr., Halbig, K., Hoen, A., Hojny, C., van der Hulst, R., Koch, T., Lübbecke, M., Maher, S.J., Matter, F., Mühmer, E., Müller, B., Pfetsch, M.E., Rehfeldt, D., Schlein, St., Schlösser, F., Serrano, F., Shinano, Y., Sofranac, B., Turner, M., Vigerske, S., Wegscheider, F., Wellner, Ph., Weninger, D. and Witzig, J.
Enabling Research through the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 49(2):22, June 2023.
Kämper, A., Delorme, R., Leenders, L. and Bardow, A.
Boosting operational optimization of multi-energy systems by artificial neural nets. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 173: May 2023.
Delorme, R., Schaadt, S., Tillmanns, M., Borggrefe, F., Nolting, L. and Praktiknjo, A.
Der deutsche Förderdschungel bremst die Wärmewende im Gebäudesektor. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 72(10):10—15, November 2022.
Steever, Z., Murray, Ch., Yuan, J., Karwan, M. and Lübbecke, M.
An Image-Based Approach to Detecting Structural Similarity Among Mixed Integer Programs. INFORMS Journal on Computing, March 2022. Online First.
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Tillmann, A.M.
Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time. Transportation Science, 56(5):1196—1218, February 2022.
Lübbecke, M.
Die Mathematik der Entscheidungen. RWTH Themen - das Forschungsmagazin der RWTH, February 2021.
Lübbecke, M., Maher, S.J. and Witt, J.T.
Avoiding redundant columns by adding classical Benders cuts to column generation subproblems. Discrete Optimization, 39:100626, February 2021.
Gleixner, A.M., Hendel, G., Gamrath, G., Achterberg, T., Bastubbe, M., Berthold, T., Christophel, P.M., Jarck, K., Koch, T., Linderoth, J.T., Lübbecke, M., Mittelmann, H.D., Ozyurt, D., Ralphs, T.K., Salvagnin, D. and Shinano, Y.
MIPLIB 2017: data-driven compilation of the 6th mixed-integer programming library. Mathematical Programming Computation, 13:443—490, January 2021.
Goderbauer, S.
Die beste Wahl. KlarText-Preis Magazin 2020, October 2020. Online [pdf]: - Als Beilage der Wochenzeitung DIE ZEIT.
Rodríguez-Heck, E., Stickler, K., Walter, M. and Weltge, S.
Persistency of Linear Programming Relaxations for the Stable Set Problem. In Bienstock, D. and Zambelli, G., Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. IPCO 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12125, June 2020. Springer, Cham.
Boros, E., Crama, Y. and Rodríguez-Heck, E.
Compact quadratizations for pseudo-Boolean functions. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 39:687—707, April 2020.
Bastubbe, M. and Lübbecke, M.
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Capacitated Hypergraph Vertex Separation. Mathematical Programming Computation, 12:39—68, March 2020.
Lübbecke, M. and Pardalos, P.M.
Welcome to SN Operations Research Forum!. SN Operations Research Forum, 1(1):1, February 2020.
Tillmann, A.M.
Computing the Spark: Mixed-Integer Programming for the (Vector) Matroid Girth Problem. Computational Optimization and Applications, 74(2):387—441, November 2019.
Tillmann, A.M. and Kobbelt, L.
Structured Discrete Shape Approximation: Theoretical Complexity and Practical Algorithm. arXiv:1909.09217 [cs.CG], Visual Computing Institute & Chair of Operations Research, RWTH Aachen University, September 2019.
Goderbauer, S. and Ermert, L.
Proportional Apportionment for Connected Coalitions. In Labbé, M. and Frotz, B., Operations Research 2018 Proceedings, pages 111—118, August 2019. Springer, Cham.
Goderbauer, S.
Mathematical optimization for optimal decision-making in practice: Energy systems and political districting. RWTH Aachen University, Lehrstuhl für Operations Research, August 2019. PhD Thesis.
Baumgärtner, N., Delorme, R., Hennen, M. and Bardow, A.
Design of low-carbon utility systems: Exploiting time-dependent grid emissions for climate-friendly demand-side management. Applied Energy, 247:755—765, August 2019.
Rodríguez-Heck, E.
Linear and quadratic reformulations of nonlinear optimization problems in binary variables. 4OR, 17:221—222, June 2019. Published PhD thesis summary.
Goderbauer, S., Comis, M. and Willamowski, F.J.L.
The Synthesis Problem of Decentralized Energy Systems is strongly NP-hard. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 124:343—349, May 2019.
Lübbecke, E., Lübbecke, M. and Möhring, R.
Ship Traffic Optimization for the Kiel Canal. Operations Research, 67(3):791–812, May 2019.
Goderbauer, S. and Lübbecke, M.
Reform der Bundestagswahlkreise: Unterstützung durch mathematische Optimierung. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 50(1):3—21, April 2019.
Büsing, C., Goderbauer, S., Koster, A.M.C.A. and Kutschka, M.
Formulations and Algorithms for the Recoverable Gamma-Robust Knapsack Problem. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 7(1):15—45, March 2019.
Buchheim, C., Crama, Y. and Rodríguez-Heck, E.
Berge-acyclic multilinear 0–1 optimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 273(1):102—107, February 2019.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Vector Space Decomposition for Solving Large-Scale Linear Programs. Operations Research, 66(5):1376—1389, September 2018.
Witt, J.T., Lübbecke, M. and Reed, B.
Polyhedral results on the stable set problem in graphs containing even or odd pairs. Mathematical Programming, 171(1—2):519—522, September 2018.
Rodríguez-Heck, E.
Linear and quadratic reformulations of nonlinear optimization problems in binary variables. University of Liege, August 2018. PhD thesis.
Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
The strength of Dantzig–Wolfe reformulations for the stable set and related problems. Discrete Optimization, 30:168—187, August 2018.
Brinker, J., Ring, D., Lübbecke, M., Takeda, Y. and Corves, B.
Optimization of the Reconfiguration Planning of Cyber-Physical Production Systems with Delta-Like Architecture. Int. Conf. on Reconfigurable Mechanisms & Robots (ReMAR), June 2018. IEEE.
Bastubbe, M., Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
A Computational Investigation on the Strength of Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulations. In D'Angelo, G., Experimental Algorithms - SEA 2018, pages 11:1—11:12, May 2018. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 103 (instances available at
Ermel, D. and Walter, M.
Parity polytopes and binarization. Discrete Applied Mathematics, April 2018.
Brauer, C., Lorenz, D.A. and Tillmann, A.M.
A Primal-Dual Homotopy Algorithm for L1-Minimization With L-infinity-Constraints. Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(2):443—478, February 2018.
Fischer, T., Hegde, G., Matter, F., Pesavento, M., Pfetsch, M.E. and Tillmann, A.M.
Joint Antenna Selection and Phase-Only Beam Using Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming. Proc. WSA 2018, January 2018.
Boros, E., Crama, Y. and Rodríguez-Heck, E.
Quadratizations of symmetric pseudo-Boolean functions: sub-linear bounds on the number of auxiliary variables. Unpublished proceedings at the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM) 2018, Fort Lauderdale, January 2018.
Crama, Y. and Rodríguez-Heck, E.
A class of valid inequalities for multilinear 0-1 optimization problems. Discrete Optimization, 25:28—47, August 2017.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
A strongly polynomial Contraction-Expansion algorithm for network flow problems. Computers & Operations Research, 84:16—32, August 2017.
Brinker, J., Lübbecke, M., Takeda, Y. and Corves, B.
Optimization of the Reconfiguration Planning of Handling Systems based on Parallel Manipulators with Delta-Like Architecture. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(3):1802—1808, July 2017.
Kruber, M., Lübbecke, M. and Parmentier, A.
Learning When to Use a Decomposition. In Salvagnin, D. and Lombardi, M., Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming, pages 202—210, May 2017. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10335.
Feldmeier, M. and Husslein, T.
Backbone Strategy for Unconstrained Continuous Optimization. Proceedings 31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pages 529—533, May 2017.
Willamowski, F.J.L. and Bley, A.
Local Search Based Approximation Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Location Problems. In Jansen, K. and Mastrolilli, M., Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2016), January 2017. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10138.
Büsing, C., Kirchner, S., Koster, A.M.C.A. and Thome, A.
The Budgeted Minimum Cost Flow Problem with Unit Upgrading Cost. Networks, 69(1):67—82, January 2017.
Goderbauer, S., Bahl, B., Voll, P., Lübbecke, M., Bardow, A. and Koster, A.M.C.A.
An adaptive discretization MINLP algorithm for optimal synthesis of decentralized energy supply systems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 95:38—48, December 2016.
Büsing, C., Kirchner, S. and Thome, A.
The Capacitated Budgeted Minimum Cost Flow Problem with Unit Upgrading Cost. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 55:135—138, November 2016. 14th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW16).
Lange, J.-H., Pfetsch, M.E., Seib, B.M. and Tillmann, A.M.
Sparse Recovery with Integrality Constraints. arXiv:1608.08678 [cs.IT], RWTH Aachen, TU Darmstadt, August 2016.
Bohlin, M., Gestrelius, S., Dahms, F.H.W., Mihal, M. and Flier, H.
Optimization Methods for Multistage Freight Train Formation. Transportation Science, 50(3):823—840, August 2016.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Tools for primal degenerate linear programs: IPS, DCA, and PE. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 5(2):161—204, June 2016.
Goderbauer, S.
Mathematische Optimierung der Wahlkreiseinteilung für die Deutsche Bundestagswahl: Modelle und Algorithmen für eine bessere Beachtung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden, May 2016. Part of the BestMasters book series. Mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. (em.) Dr. Friedrich Pukelsheim.
Walter, M.
Investigating Polyhedra by Oracles and Analyzing Simple Extensions of Polytopes. Dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, April 2016.
Walter, M., Dey, S., Damci-Kurt, P. and Kücükyavuz, S.
On a cardinality-constrained transportation problem with market choice. Operations Research Letters, 44(2):170—173, March 2016.
Bergner, M., Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Packing Cuts in Undirected Graphs. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA), 21:1.2:1—1.2:16, January 2016.
Goderbauer, S.
Political Districting for Elections to the German Bundestag: An Optimization-Based Multi-Stage Heuristic Respecting Administrative Boundaries. In Lübbecke, M., Koster, A.M.C.A., Letmathe, P., Madlener, R., Peis, B. and Walther, G., Operations Research Proceedings 2014, pages 181—187, January 2016. Springer.
Walter, M., Lee, J., Kaibel, V. and Weltge, S.
Extended Formulations for Independence Polytopes of Regular Matroids. Graphs and Combinatorics, 32(5):1931—1944, January 2016.
Tillmann, A.M., Eldar, Y. C. and Mairal, J.
Dictionary Learning from Phaseless Measurements. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 4702—4706, January 2016.
Tillmann, A.M., Eldar, Y. C. and Mairal, J.
DOLPHIn - Dictionary Learning for Phase Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(24):6485—6500, January 2016.
Lübbecke, M., Koster, A.M.C.A., Letmathe, P., Madlener, R., Peis, B. and Walther, G.
Operations Research Proceedings 2014. Springer, January 2016.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
About the minimum mean cycle-canceling algorithm. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 196:115—134, December 2015.
Tillmann, A.M.
Equivalence of Linear Programming and Basis Pursuit. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 15(1), pages 735—738, November 2015.
Coughlan, E.T., Lübbecke, M. and Schulz, J.
A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for multi-mode resource leveling. European Journal of Operational Research, 245(1):70—80, October 2015.
Lübbecke, M.
Comments on: An overview of curriculum-based course timetabling. TOP, 23(2):359—361, July 2015.
Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
Separation of Generic Cutting Planes in Branch-and-Price Using a Basis. In Bampis, E., Experimental Algorithms - SEA 2015, pages 110—121, June 2015. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9125.
Bergner, M., Caprara, A., Ceselli, A., Furini, F., Lübbecke, M., Malaguti, E. and Traversi, E.
Automatic Dantzig–Wolfe reformulation of mixed integer programs. Mathematical Programming, 149(1—2):391—424, January 2015.
Conforti, M., Kaibel, V., Walter, M. and Weltge, S.
Subgraph polytopes and independence polytopes of count matroids. Operations Research Letters, 43(5):457—460, January 2015.
Kaibel, V. and Walter, M.
Simple extensions of polytopes. Mathematical Programming, Series B, 154(1—2):381—406, January 2015.
Lorenz, D.A., Pfetsch, M.E. and Tillmann, A.M.
Solving Basis Pursuit: Heuristic Optimality Check and Solver Comparison. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 41(2):Art. No. 8, January 2015.
Tillmann, A.M.
On the Computational Intractability of Exact and Approximate Dictionary Learning. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(1):45—49, January 2015.
Gauthier, J.-B., Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Decomposition theorems for linear programs. Operations Research Letters, 42(8):553—557, December 2014.
Goderbauer, S.
Optimierte Einteilung der Wahlkreise für die Deutsche Bundestagswahl. OR News, November 2014.
Desrosiers, J., Gauthier, J.-B. and Lübbecke, M.
Row-reduced column generation for degenerate master problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(2):453—460, July 2014.
Bergner, M., Lübbecke, M. and Witt, J.T.
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Packing Cuts in Undirected Graphs. In Gudmundsson, J. and Katajainen, J., Experimental Algorithms - SEA 2014, pages 34—45, June 2014. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8504.
Lübbecke, M., Weiler, A. and Werners, B.
Zukunftsperspektiven des Operations Research. Springer Gabler, May 2014.
Tillmann, A.M., Gribonval, R. and Pfetsch, M.E.
Projection Onto The Cosparse Set is NP-Hard. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 7148—7152, May 2014.
Kirchner, S. and Lübbecke, M.
Dynamische Vergabe von Patiententerminen in Krankenhäusern. In Lübbecke, M., Weiler, A. and Werners, B., Zukunftsperspektiven des Operations Research: Erfolgreicher Einsatz und Potenziale, pages 83—96, April 2014. Springer.
Sørensen, M. and Dahms, F.H.W.
A Two-Stage Decomposition of High School Timetabling applied to cases in Denmark. Computers & Operations Research, 43:36—49, March 2014.
Büsing, C. and D'Andreagiovanni, F.
A New Theoretical Framework for Robust Optimization Under Multi-Band Uncertainty. In Helber, S., Breitner, M., Rösch, D., Schön, C., Graf von der Schulenburg, J., Sibbertsen, P., Steinbach, M., Weber, S. and Wolter, A., Operations Research Proceedings 2012: Selected Papers of the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), pages 115—121, Hannover, January 2014. Leibniz University, Springer.
Kaibel, V. and Walter, M.
Simple Extensions of Polytopes. In Lee, J. and Vygen, J., Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO), pages 309—320, January 2014. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8494.
Tillmann, A.M. and Pfetsch, M.E.
The Computational Complexity of the Restricted Isometry Property, the Nullspace Property, and Related Concepts in Compressed Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(2):1248—1259, January 2014.
Lorenz, D.A., Pfetsch, M.E. and Tillmann, A.M.
An infeasible-point subgradient method using adaptive approximate projections. Computational Optimization and Applications, 57(2):271—306, January 2014.
Tillmann, A.M.
Computational Aspects of Compressed Sensing. Doctoral Dissertation, TU Darmstadt, December 2013. ISBN 978-3-8439-1445-1.
Steglich, U., Büsing, C. and Kutschka, M.
A Generic Multi-layer Network Optimization Model with Demand Uncertainty. In Bauschert, T., Advances in Communication Networking, pages 13—24, Chemnitz, Deutschland, January 2013. Springer.
Büsing, C.
Robust optimization under multiband uncertainty. CTW, pages 35—38, January 2013. CTIT Workshop Proceedings.
Walter, M. and Truemper, K.
Implementation of a unimodularity test. Mathematical Programming Computation, 5(1):57—73, January 2013.
Büsing, C. and D'Andreagiovanni, F.
New Results about Multi-band Uncertainty in Robust Optimization. In Klasing, R., Experimental Algorithms (SEA), pages 63—74, June 2012. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7276.
Lübbecke, M.
Automatic Decomposition and Branch-and-Price---A Status Report. Experimental Algorithms (SEA), pages 1—8, June 2012. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7276.
Hennig, F., Nygreen, B. and Lübbecke, M.
Nested column generation applied to the crude oil tanker routing and scheduling problem with split pickup and split delivery. Naval Research Logistics, 59(3—4):298—310, April 2012.
Lach, G. and Lübbecke, M.
Curriculum based course timetabling: new solutions to Udine benchmark instances. Annals of Operations Research, 194(1):255—272, April 2012.
Büsing, C.
Kreuz und quer durchs Land der Graphen - Projekte aus der Graphentheorie für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Der Mathematikunterricht, 58:52—63, January 2012.
Büsing, C.
Recoverable robust shortest path problems. Networks, 59:181—189, January 2012.
Walter, M.
Sparsity of Lift-and-Project Cutting Planes. In Helber, S., Breitner, M., Rösch, D., Graf von der Schulenburg, J., Schön, C., Sibbertsen, P., Steinbach, M., Weber, S. and Wolter, A., Operations Research Proceedings 2012. pages 9—14, Springer International Publishing, Hannover, January 2012.
Wenger, S., Ament, M., Guthe, S., Lorenz, D.A., Tillmann, A.M., Weiskopf, D. and Magnor, M.
Visualization of Astronomical Nebulae via Distributed Multi-GPU Compressed Sensing Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12):2188—2197, January 2012.
Büsing, C., Koster, A.M.C.A. and Kutschka, M.
Recoverable Robust Knapsacks: Gamma-Scenarios. In Pahl, J., Reiners, T. and Voß, S., Network Optimization (INOC), pages 583—588, June 2011. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6701.
Bergner, M., Caprara, A., Furini, F., Lübbecke, M., Malaguti, E. and Traversi, E.
Partial Convexification of General MIPs by Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation. In Günlük, O. and Woeginger, G.J., Integer Programming and Combinatoral Optimization (IPCO), pages 39—51, June 2011. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6655.
Höhn, W., König, F.G., Möhring, R. and Lübbecke, M.
Integrated Sequencing and Scheduling in Coil Coating. Management Science, 57(4):647—666, April 2011.
Büsing, C., Koster, A.M.C.A. and Kutschka, M.
Recoverable robust knapsacks: the discrete scenario case. Optimization Letters, 5(3):379—392, March 2011.
Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithms. In Cochran, J.J., Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons, January 2011.
Lübbecke, M.
Column Generation. In Lübbecke, M., Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, January 2011.
Büsing, C. and Stiller, S.
Line planning, path constrained network flow and inapproximability. Networks, 57(1):106–113, January 2011.
Erlebach, T. and Lübbecke, M.
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'10). OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), September 2010. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Erlebach, T. and Lübbecke, M.
Preface. In Erlebach, T. and Lübbecke, M., Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, pages i—ix, September 2010. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Büsing, C. and Maue, J.
Robust Algorithms for Sorting Railway Cars. In de Berg, M. and Meyer, U., Algorithms – ESA 2010. ESA 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 350—361, September 2010. Springer.
Berthold, T., Heinz, S., Lübbecke, M., Möhring, R. and Schulz, J.
A Constraint Integer Programming Approach for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling. In Lodi, A., Milano, M. and Toth, P., Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, pages 313—317, June 2010. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6140.
Coughlan, E.T., Lübbecke, M. and Schulz, J.
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Multi-mode Resource Leveling. In Festa, P., Experimental Algorithms (SEA), pages 226—238, May 2010. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6049.
Gamrath, G. and Lübbecke, M.
Experiments with a Generic Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Integer Programs. In Festa, P., Experimental Algorithms (SEA), pages 239—252, May 2010. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6049.
Liebchen, C., Lübbecke, M., Möhring, R. and Stiller, S.
The Concept of Recoverable Robustness, Linear Programming Recovery, and Railway Applications. In Ahuja, R.K., Möhring, R. and Zaroliagis, C., Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization. pages 1—27, Springer, January 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5868.
Büsing, C.
The Exact Subgraph Recoverable Robust Shortest Path Problem. In Ahuja, R.K., Möhring, R. and Zaroliagis, C., Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization, pages 231—248, January 2009. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5868.
König, F.G. and Lübbecke, M.
Sorting with Complete Networks of Stacks. In Hong, S., Nagamochi, H. and Fukunaga, T., Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pages 895—906, December 2008. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5369.
Ceselli, A., Gatto, M., Lübbecke, M., Nunkesser, M. and Schilling, H.
Optimizing the Cargo Express Service of Swiss Federal Railways. Transportation Science, 42(4):450 — 465, November 2008.
Fekete, S., Lübbecke, M. and Meijer, H.
Minimizing the Stabbing Number of Matchings, Trees, and Triangulations. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 40:595—621, October 2008.
Di Stefano, G., Krause, S., Lübbecke, M. and Zimmermann, U.
On minimum k-modal partitions of permutations. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 6(3):381—392, August 2008.
Lach, G. and Lübbecke, M.
Optimal University Course Timetables and the Partial Transversal Polytope. In McGeoch, C., Experimental Algorithms (WEA), pages 235—248, May 2008. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5038.
Felsner, S., Lübbecke, M. and Nešetřil, J.
Preface. Discrete Mathematics, 308(8):1347—1349, November 2007.
Felsner, S., Lübbecke, M. and Nešetřil, J.
Editorial. European Journal of Combinatorics, 28(8):2053—2056, November 2007.
König, F.G., Lübbecke, M., Möhring, R., Schäfer, G. and Spenke, I.
Solutions to Real-World Instances of PSPACE-Complete Stackin. In Arge, L., Hoffmann, M. and Welzl, E., Algorithms (ESA), pages 729—740, October 2007. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4698.
Heinrich-Litan, L. and Lübbecke, M.
Rectangle covers revisited computationally. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 11:Article 2.6, February 2007.
Di Stefano, G., Krause, S., Lübbecke, M. and Zimmermann, U.
On minimum k-modal partitions of permutations. In Correa, J., Hevia, A. and Kiwi, M., Theoretical Informatics (LATIN), pages 374—385, March 2006. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3887.
Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
Selected Topics in Column Generation. Operations Research, 53(6):1007—1023, December 2005.
Villeneuve, D., Desrosiers, J., Lübbecke, M. and Soumis, F.
Compact Formulations for Integer Programs Solved by Column Generation. Annals of Operations Research, 139(1):375–388, October 2005.
Lübbecke, M. and Zimmermann, U.
Shunting Minimal Rail Car Allocation. Computational Optimization and Applications, 31(3):295–308, July 2005.
Heinrich-Litan, L. and Lübbecke, M.
Rectangle Covers Revisited Computationally. In Nikoletseas, S., Experimental and Efficient Algorithms (WEA), pages 55—66, May 2005. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3503.
Lübbecke, M.
Dual variable based fathoming in dynamic programs for column generation. European Journal of Operational Research, 162(1):122—125, April 2005.
Desrosiers, J. and Lübbecke, M.
A Primer in Column Generation. In Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J. and Solomon, M.M., Column Generation. chapter 1, pages 1—32, Springer US, January 2005.
Lübbecke, M.
Combinatorially Simple Pickup and Delivery Paths. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 12(4):405—417, October 2004.
Bussieck, M.R., Lindner, T. and Lübbecke, M.
A fast algorithm for near cost optimal line plans. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 59(2):205–220, June 2004.
Fekete, S., Lübbecke, M. and Meijer, H.
Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations. In Munro, I., SODA '04 Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, pages 437—446, January 2004. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Lübbecke, M. and Zimmermann, U.
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Lehrstuhl für Operations Research, RWTH Aachen University,